METER.AC :: [external] [earth] [meteo] [nodes]
Sarnegor (400 m asl), Pluvio2L [raw]
+0 = Precipitation gauge working properly
+1 = W: Bucket level 80 %
+2 = W: USB interface is/was connected
+4 = W: Restart (due to power failure)
+8 = W: Restart (due to firmware)
+16 = W: Weight change out of range
+32 = W: Supply voltage < 7 V
+64 = A: Weight measurement unstable
+128 = A: Weight measurement incorrect
+256 = A: Weight below minimum
+512 = A: Weight above maximum
+1024 = A: No weight calibration

W = warning; A = alarm.
+0 = Orifice rim heater working properly
+1 = W: Temp. of orifice ring rim > 40 °C
+2 = A: Temp. of orifice ring rim < —20 °C
+4 = A: Temperature sensor not connected
+8 = A: Temperature sensor short-circuited
+16 = A: Communication to rim heater module is defective (the pipe hous-ing may have been removed)
+32 = A: Orifice rim heater self-test failed
+64 = W:Orifice rim heater temporarily disabled
+128 = W:Orifice rim heater disabled or not present

W = warning; A = alarm.

To the extent possible under law, Atanas Terziyski has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to METER.AC.